Share the goodness with family, friends and anyone interested! It might be a weight on your scale when you need it!

Again and again will those who disbelieve, wish that they had bowed (to Allah’s will) in Islam. [15 : 02]

This is Islam

Islam means “submission to God”. Islam is the belief that there is only One God, whose proper name is Allah, which means “the God”. Islam is the same message given to all the prophets, from Adam, Noah, Moses, Abraham, Jesus, and finally to the Prophet Muhammad, the last messenger (peace and blessings be upon them). They all brought the same message: worship only God, and stop worshipping human beings and their ideas.

Become a Muslim Now

If you believe there is only One God who should be worshipped, and no one/nothing else has that right but Him, and you believe Muhammad, peace be upon him, was a messenger who brought the same message as all the prophets before him, then you are basically a Muslim.

Do Not Hesitate

If someone receives the message of Islam and dies rejecting it, they are forever destined to Hellfire. Anyone who truly believes in the message of Islam, their previous sins are forgiven and they will spend eternity in Paradise . If you have belief, act on it. Do not worry about what anyone else thinks. Your eternal life is at stake.

To become a Muslim, simply declare the following:

Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illallaah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluh.

I testify there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah, and I testify Muhammad is His slave and messenger.

What’s after taking the Shahadah?

The next step for a new revert to Islam is to purify himself by taking a complete bath. He should then resolve to comply with the principles and rules of Islam in their entirety. He should disown all forms of polytheism and false beliefs. He should reject evil and be righteous. Such rejection of evil and being righteous is one of the requisites of the motto of Islam – that is, La illaha illallah.

Allah states in the Holy Qur’an:

“…whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks…” [Quran 2 : 256]

Forms of polytheism and false beliefs.

  1. Associating partners with Allah (Shirk in Worship)
  2. Shirk in Allah’s Attributes
  3. Belief in false superstitions
  4. Acts of devotion for other than Allah
  5. Magic and sorcery
  6. Belief in rival deities or powers
  7. Following blindly without evidence
  8. Belief in intermediaries
  9. Self-deification
  10. Neglecting Tawheed (Oneness of Allah)
  11. Excessive praise of prophets or saints
  12. Belief in false scriptures or revelation
  13. Fatalism or luck as independent forces